Protect Your Wallet & Live In Comfort.
Do you want to avoid a surge in propane prices during cold winter months? We’ve got you covered with Hall’s Price Shield. Price Shield protects you from volatile market conditions by locking in better propane pricing to protect you if prices spike during winter. To make it even better, if fuel prices decrease, you’ll pay the lower rates! Enjoy saving money & finding peace of mind for a minimal yearly fee with Hall’s Price Shield.
Example: Price Shield is setup or renews at $2.999 per gallon and prices spike to $3.999 per gallon. You only pay $2.999 because you are protected. Think of it like having propane price insurance. If prices go down, then you pay the lower rate. You have the benefit of a price ceiling while keeping the potential for prices to decrease.
*Price Shield starts and renews at $.30 per gallon over the current market price at enrollment and renewal.
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